Welcome to HealthcareManager
Our online solution for managing your employee benefit and medical insurance needs. HealthcareManager allows you to access information relating to premiums, claims, types of insurance bought, detail per employee, level of benefit entitlement and many other features.

If you would like more information about HealthcareManager, please contact HealthcareManager@ibsrisk.com
Assigned passwords allow users access only to specific areas of information. Online solutions just an Internet connection away. Low graphics per page allow fast loading.
Easy to enter data screens and report production functions to available online 24 hours a day.
Online solutions accessible to your branches throughout Indonesia and the world. Online reminder system to ensure vital dates are planned for well in advance.
Secure, password protected information accessible only to you.
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Contact Us
Indonesia Stock Exchange Building
Tower II, 27th Floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav 52-53
Jakarta 12190, Indonesia

Phone : +62 21 515 3131
Fax     : +62 21 515 1414